Tanzania Journal of Agriculture Science, 1998 Vol 1(1) : PP 37-41
Eight,male goats w,ere 'slaf.lghtered at. 36 kg, live weight (approximately two thirds of mature weight)
and dissected, into individual anatomic m'((s(;les. Weights of individual muscles were then grouped into
8 functional units and compared with published data on bulls, rams and boars.' There was a wide
species d(tference;in "size index'~ musGles..· Abdominal wall index was highest !'n boars followed by
goats, bulls and'rams, the values being 108, 1.00, 91 m:zd 90 resp.ectivety. 9,o(lts had. higher i!ldices
ill four;functional units: agility, locomotion, supporting muscles 'and specialised funCtionai mu~cles.·
Muscle data .. o/ goa~s indicated that goats are most aggressive followed by bulls, rams and pigs.