African swine fever (ASF) is a highly fatal hemorrhagic disease of domestic pigs caused
by ASF virus (ASFV) that can cause mortalities reaching up to 100%, depending on the
virus strain. There have been sporadic ASF outbreaks in Tanzania that have affected food
security and the livelihoods of pig farmers. Previous studies have reported the genetic
nature viral strains that caused ASF outbreaks in Tanzania. The present study was
conducted to investigate whether new or already described ASFV strains were involved
during the November 2015 to June 2017 ASF outbreaks in different parts of Tanzania. In
addition, the socio-economic impact and risk factors that are responsible for the occurrence
and spread of ASF outbreaks in Tanzania were investigated. The study involved visits to
slaughter facilities, pig farms and pig markets. Clinical signs were observed in pigs
suspected with ASF prior to sample collection and postmortem examination was
undertaken to the dead pigs. Tissue samples including spleen, lymph nodes and kidney
were collected from a total of 124 dead pigs during reported outbreaks. A semi-structured
questionnaire was used to investigate the ASF risk factors and its socio-economic impact
to the farmers. The presence of ASFV in collected samples was detected by polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) by partial amplification of the p72 (B646L) gene using peste porcina
Africana (PPA1/2) primers. Genetic characterization was conducted in samples that were
positive for ASFV by amplification, by nucleotide sequencing of the variable 3’-end of p72
(B646L) gene using primers p72U/D. During the survey, suspected outbreaks of ASF were
reported in Kalambo, Ileje, Mbarali, Rungwe, Mbeya Municipality, Mbozi, Kongwa,
Dodoma Municipality, Mpwapwa, Gairo, Temeke, Mvomero, Morogoro Municipality,
Kibaha, Bukoba, Magu, Ngara, Babati, Mwanza, Manyoni and Kigoma districts. The
clinical signs observed in affected pigs included sternal recumbency, cutaneous congestion
on the outer side of the pinna, abdomen and limbs, inappetence, staggering gait, shivering, hyperthermia and abortion in pregnant sows. Upon nucleotide sequencing and
phylogenetic analysis, genotype II of ASFV was found in domestic pigs from Mbarali,
Rungwe, Mbeya Municipality, Kalambo, Ileje, Mbozi, Kongwa, Dodoma Municipality,
Mpwapwa, Gairo, Temeke, Mvomero, Morogoro Municipality and Kibaha districts,
genotype IX in domestic pigs of Bukoba, Magu and Ngara districts while genotype X was
found in samples collected from Babati, Mwanza, Manyoni and Kigoma districts. The
spread of genotype II ASFV into Central and Eastern Tanzania, from southern highlands of
Tanzania seems to be along the Tunduma-Dar es Salaam and Morogoro-Dodoma roads.
This signifies a risk of further spread of genotype II of ASFV northwards along Dodoma
Mwanza road and to the neighboring countries. Sharing of farm equipment was found to be significantly associated with the spread of ASFV (OR=2.47, CI95%=1.4-99, P=0.023).
The possible occurrence and spread of ASFV in Tanzania is within the domestic cycle
rather than sylvatic cycle. The presence of ASF was found to lead to the financial losses,
loss of income, unemployment, mental disturbance and poor livelihoods. Also respondents failed to meet medical expenses, farm labor expenses and school fees for their children. The disease poses a great threat to the pig industry and food insecurity. Further studies are recommended in order to fully sequence ASFV isolates obtained from the present study in so that to fully understand the genetic relatedness, evolution and epidemiology of ASFV in the country.