Journal of Continuing Education and Extension, 2015; 6 (2):919-931
Compiemenrari and Ahernativc Medicine (Cl Al) usage is increasing in b0111
developed and developing countries. CAM is comprised of medical sy.slems, practices,
interventions, applications, theories or claims that are not currently part of the
C011rellti017(11 (Western) medical system. It is however acknowledged that many users
of CAM are less informed about the benefits and possible side effects they are likely to
encounter while using such health care system. This is partly attributed to inadequate
documented information and unifOrmalised channels .fin- information and knowledge
sharing on complementary CHO alternative medicine. A systematic literature review
was conducted to examine the current trend of CAM usage as' well as provision and
accessibility of CAM-related information in order to identifi• the existing knowledge
gaps among CAM practitioners and users. Recommendations on how to address the
existing knowledge gaps are provided.