Masters Dissertation
The delivery of agriculture extension has not been achieved because agriculture extension
strategies have failed to address gender related issues among extension workers in
extension delivery. The study aimed at assessing gender relations among extension
workers on delivery of extension services. The study adopted a cross-section design and
was conducted in Dowa District Malawi. The overall objective of the study was to explore
the role of gender relations in the delivery of extension services. The specific objectives
of the study were to examine the access of resources, determine factors that shape gender
relations among extension workers and identify challenges emanating from gender
relations among extension workers in the delivery of agricultural extension service. The
study area was selected based on the ecological characteristic including its potential for
agricultural production. Data were collected using semi-structured questionnaire from 60
extension workers. The respondents were purposively selected from a pool of 74
extension workers working in the area. The data collection tools were Focus Group
Discussion, Key Informant Interviews, and questionnaires for data collection. The study
findings were analysed using content analysis and descriptive statistics. The research
established that extension workers have knowledge of gender issues and mainstreaming
because most of them have been trained on gender issues. It has also be noted that proper
structures and policies promoting gender when delivering extension services exist.
However, lack of resources, poor working conditions, and culture paralyze government
efforts in addressing troubled gender relations at the area.