A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Embedded and Mobile Systems of Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology
Technology utilization in industry in developing countries is the challenge, often there are crisis
of equipment, goods and items destruction or loss in the warehouses. The enhancement of the
warehouse management system for the Company help to utilize resources effectively thus
improves Company performance. The aim of this study was to improve warehouse
management through the use of information communication and technology. The study
developed mobile application for customer registration, order management and stock
management but also the study developed web application for account management, order
management, invoice generation, client registration and stock management. The study extended
the features of the mobile application to web-based application for the easy of the management
of the application and reduce the load of the mobile application. Data were collected through
observations and interviews for the aim of understanding the current system, how the company
is managing the warehouse and getting requirements for these developed systems. The
developed web and mobile application of warehouse management system were assessed and
verified to evaluate functionalities and usability of the systems. The system enhanced the access
of information at the fingertips, increase availability of service for the customer 24 hours per
day through making order on spot, easier flow of information between the personnel of the
company such as sales personnel, administrator of the systems and storekeeper, but also getting
stock level instantly, order management and tracking, invoice generation and status of the