A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master’s in Life Sciences at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and
This study aimed at determining the extent (distribution, density and structure) of Acacia
mearnsii invasion as well as assessing its influence on the performance of Pinus patula by
comparing, stem density, basal area and standing volume between invaded and non- invaded
areas in Sao Hill Forest Plantation (SHFP). A systematic random samplings technique was used
to select sample plantation blocks and plots allocation. The results showed that there was a
significant difference between the mean population density per hectare of A. mearnsii in the
margins and inside plantation blocks (F-value = 61.4, df=278, p = 0.0000), with greater mean
population density being in the margin than inside the plantation blocks. Also, a significant
difference between the size class group (seedlings, saplings, poles and adults) was found in the
mean population density of A. mernsii (F-value = 26.28, df = 278, p = 0.0000), with the greater
mean population density being in seedlings followed by a sapling, sub-adults, and adults.
Moreover, there was a significant difference between invaded and non-invaded areas across
different age classes of P. patula in all variables measured with greater density, basal area and
volume being in non-invaded than invaded areas. The study found that, an invasive tree A.
mearnsii has a negative impact (reduction) on the survival and growth of P. patula in all age
classes sampled. This study suggests that forest management strategies should incorporate
invasive plant control given that the performance of desirable tree species can be influenced by
plant invasions. This may include clearing of the A. mearnsii stands before they mature to
flowering and thus, limiting seed production.