Mwaipopo, Rosemarie; Lihamba, Amandina; Njewele, Delphine C.
Social development policies in Tanzania are exemplary in terms of their recognition of the
rights of access to higher education institutions by specific demographic groups. Policy documents
such as the 2005 National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (known as the MKUKUTA) and the
2004 National Policy on Disability emphasise this necessity and outline the government’s commitment to
ensure that people who are socially disadvantaged, including those with disabilities, can equally access
higher education. The process through which this is achieved is, however, less explicit and is therefore
difficult to measure in relation to what students with disabilities actually experience as they not only
pursue, but also experience higher education. Using both qualitative and quantitative data, this article
analyses the process of access into higher education institutions and outcomes in terms of
representation in higher education institutions by students with disabilities. In doing so, it seeks to
explore the meaning and outcomes of policies related to higher education institutions in Tanzania in
terms of their stated equality ideals and achievements in practice.