Kamweti, D. M.; Osiro, Deborah; Mwiturubani, Donald A.
This report deals with the nature and extent of environmental crime in Kenya
and was commissioned by the Environmental Crimes Project (ECP) of the
Institute for Security Studies (ISS). Th e ECP is a project in partnership with
the East African Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (EAPCCO). Its core
objective is to enhance human security by improving regional law enforcement
and policymaking to fi ght environmental crime in eastern Africa.
An environmental crime can be defi ned as a grave act against the environment
that results in the infringement of the right of citizens to a clean and
healthy environment. For such an act to constitute a crime, it must contravene
laid-down legislation in the various sectors of the environment, such as forestry,
water and wildlife. Environmental off ences have, for a long time, been treated
as misdemeanours, and not felonies.
Environmental crime is a serious and growing concern, leading to the near
extinction of valuable wildlife species, and signifi cantly impacting on the biological
integrity of the planet.
It contributes to environmental degradation, which in turn aff ects the
quality and quantity of environmental resources. By doing so, it leads to unhealthy
competition for these scarce resources, and subsequently to volatile situations
and even resource-use confl icts. As such, environmental crime impacts
on human livelihoods.