Masele, Juma James; Tweve, Julius T.
This study examined information provision, as an important strategy for promoting mathematics education in Tanzania. A sample of 90 respondents from five secondary schools namely Saint Mary‘s, Makongo, Kambangwa, Green Acres and Jangwani Secondary Schools was selected. To supplement questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, and documentary review were used to collect data. Findings revealed limited use of various sources of information in promoting mathematics education and there is no specific session which discusses the importance of mathematics ‘importance for career development. Dependable sources of information for students are mainly teachers, parents and peer groups. There was poor usage of media and the internet in promoting mathematics. Challenges related to mathematics subject improvements include motivational, technical, managerial and financial. Furthermore the stereotype belief that mathematics subject is difficult for women but easy men, a situation which discourages girls to participate fully in mathematics education. Efficient use of media is emphasized for mathematics education promotion. The study urges the need to harness the Web and available media in the publicizing mathematics education information. Information professionals are urged to liaise with policy makers to rally together in influencing other practitioners in mathematics education to promote this subject.