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The usefulness and implementation of labour laws in selected public organisations: A case study of Misungwi district

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dc.creator Balyaruha, Piensia Anselm 2019-08-26T07:38:11Z 2019-08-26T07:38:11Z 2016 2022-10-20T12:07:30Z 2022-10-20T12:07:30Z
dc.identifier Balyaruha, P. A. (2016). The usefulness and implementation of labour laws in selected public organisations: A case study of Misungwi district. Dodoma: The University of Dodoma.
dc.description Dissertation (MA Public Administration)
dc.description The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness and implementation of labour laws in selected public organisations: a case study of Misungwi district. Specifically, the study intended to assess the usefulness of the legal framework governing employment relationships in public organisations, assess the institutional framework responsible to implement labour laws in public organisations and assess the extent to which labour laws are implemented in public organisations. The researcher in this study precisely applied a qualitative approach. This was because the researcher needed qualitative data for delivering the best possible answer for the research question. The researcher was able to visit the areas of study to collect data. The qualitative approach enabled the researcher to understand the events, circumstances or phenomenon under a study. A total of 45 respondents were involved in this study out of 60 which the researcher had planned to involve. The study findings indicated that that the legal framework governing employment relationships in public organizations is useful to both employees and employers in day to day activities because the structure helps to harmonise both the public and private interests as far as the protection of rights and duties of employers and employees are concerned. Further, it was found that many employees were not much aware of the institutions as they mentioned their respective workers associations and other instruments which were irrelevant to the research context. Finally, it was also demonstrated that to the large extent labour laws were not well implemented because labour laws were not adhered to administrators. They take advantage of the employees‟ ignorance of the labour laws to do whatever they want. All in all, the study concludes that the administrators, when implementing these labour laws, face many challenges, like the existence of contradiction between the Labour Institution Act, 2004 and the Employment and Labour Relations Act, 2004 and other labour laws. The study has come up with the following recommendations which, if implemented well, there will be a positive impact to the welfare of employers, administrators and employees while implementing these labour laws in public organisations. There should be a clear identification/demarcation in which labour laws (Labour Institution Act, 2004 and the Employment and Labour Relations Act, 2004) should operate or, apply and where the Public Service Act no 8 of 2002 should apply to avoid contradictions, both employers and employees should have access to these labour laws because not knowing them makes implementation very difficult. Also, training should be conducted, especially to employees whom this study finds that most of them are unaware of these labour laws. These Labour laws also, need amendments from time to time because these laws have a lacuna in some of the sections.
dc.language en
dc.publisher The University of Dodoma
dc.subject Public organizations
dc.subject Misungwi
dc.subject Laws
dc.subject Labour
dc.subject Labour laws
dc.subject Labour laws implementation
dc.title The usefulness and implementation of labour laws in selected public organisations: A case study of Misungwi district
dc.type Dissertation

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