Dissertation (MSc Natural Resources Management)
In recent years, the flood has brought severe problems in Mvomero District. This phenomenon has led to uncertain conditions to the people‟s lives and property, as well as destructions of infrastructures. This study made an assessment of the effects of floods and flood management practices in Dakawa Ward which found in Morogoro Region. The study used household survey and interviews to collect data from 100 households and 8 key informants. Also, the study employed observation method to assess the quality of the drainage systems developed to control floods during the rain seasons. The magnitude of flood was determined by the calculation of the recurrent intervals. Flood with 1% probability have the highest water stage (7.5m), they happen once in 100 years and they are more destructive. The recurrent interval of other flood shows the frequency of H50% and H90% and water stage (6.8m and 5.0m) respectively. The study results show that the villages in Dakawa Ward are affected by floods of different frequencies. Proper information about floods is not delivered, something which leads to severe problems since the residents are not prepared to rescue their lives and property. Frequently, residents‟ houses were demolished, electrical poles fell and caused power cut and roads were over-flooded and remained impassable for a long time. Water sources, dump sites, latrines and barnyards were flooded and, thus, damaged. Further, there was an outbreak of water-borne diseases, such as Diarrhea, Typhoid and Cholera and the majority of the affected people were the children. Livestock keeping and crop production were also severely impacted; consequently, animals were injured and died.