Dissertation (MA International Relations)
Tourist hotel investments and employment opportunities is the trend which is discussed by almost every person with expectation that it has capacity to reduce unemployment rate and provide economic benefits to ordinary people and the government at large. This study was designed to examine relationship existing between tourist hotel investments and employment opportunities. The study wants to understand if people have benefited in terms of employment opportunities from those hotel investments. To come up with reasonable justifications and findings of the study, the researcher used different research methods. The study uses a case study, which is the Zanzibar island of Unguja. Not only that but also several research tools including interviews and questionnaires were used. Findings of the study indicate that many people acquire employment opportunities from hotel investments and generally, the sector has helped to reduce unemployment rate. However, findings indicate that local employees have not benefited well since there are a lot of challenges and obstacle to employment opportunities. Several measures such as government interference on activities of hotel investors/managers, establishment of worker’s parties and commitment by all stakeholders has to be adopted in order to have better achievements in the hotel investments and employment opportunities.