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Attitudes of the employees and the open performance and review appraisal system in public sector in Tanzania: a case of Sikonge district designated hospital

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dc.creator Dafel, Mapambano 2019-09-30T08:10:05Z 2019-09-30T08:10:05Z 2013 2022-10-20T12:07:42Z 2022-10-20T12:07:42Z
dc.identifier Dafel, M. (2013). Attitudes of the employees and the open performance and review appraisal system in public sector in Tanzania: a case of Sikonge district designated hospital. Dodoma: The University of Dodoma.
dc.description Dissertation (MA Public Administration)
dc.description This study examined the awareness and attitudes and status of staff on Open Performance and Review Appraisal System in the Public sector in Tanzania. The study was conducted at Sikonge Designated Hospital in Sikonge District in Tabora Region. This study employed both cross sectional as well as a case study to get data about the problem. The sample of the study consisted of 80 employees who were obtained by multistage cluster sampling. Data were collected from different section in the Sikonge District designated Hospital so as to examine the attitudes of employees on OPRAS in public organisation. Data collection method included questionnaire, interviews and documentation review. The data collected were analysed through the use of Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS). The findings show that most staff had negative perception on the way the OPRAS was used in human resource management. In addition, few cases of value addition were reported for sections using OPRAS such as making staff creative, confidence and productive. However, issues of delay in distributing funds, low management priority on OPRAS and use of fixed salary were reported to be the major challenges facing the OPRAS. The entire conclusion from the study expected to reveal the altitudes of employees on Open Performance and Review system in Public sector in Tanzania and measures to be taken to improve the effectiveness of OPRAS in Public sector in Tanzania. It is, therefore, recommended that the government should devise the regulations that will enforce the use of OPRAS. This should go hand in hand with revising the payment system of which we currently use fixed rate that is not matching with the OPRAS principles. Funds should be distributed timely to make the staff responsible and hence meet their agreed objectives.
dc.language en
dc.publisher The University of Dodoma
dc.subject Open Performance and Review Appraisal System
dc.subject OPRAS
dc.subject Public sectors
dc.subject Government sectors
dc.subject Public institutions
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.subject Sikonge district designated hospital
dc.subject Sikonge DDH
dc.subject Tabora region
dc.subject Employees attitudes
dc.subject Staff attitudes
dc.subject Employees awareness
dc.title Attitudes of the employees and the open performance and review appraisal system in public sector in Tanzania: a case of Sikonge district designated hospital
dc.type Dissertation

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