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The assessment child labour in Tanzania: a case of Majengo and sabasaba markets in Dodoma Municipality

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dc.creator Joseph, Christina 2020-01-06T11:11:07Z 2020-01-06T11:11:07Z 2014 2022-10-20T12:07:50Z 2022-10-20T12:07:50Z
dc.identifier Christina, J (2014). The assessment child labour in Tanzania: a case of Majengo and sabasaba markets in Dodoma Municipality. (Master's dissertation). The University of Dodoma, Dodoma.
dc.description Dissertation (MA Sociology)
dc.description This investigation has focused on the Assessment of Child Labour in Tanzania: A Case of Majengo and Sabasaba Markets in Dodoma Municipality. Child labour is commonly on the increase in the world. The latest report of ILO indicates that, there are 246 million child workers across the world. The researcher employed a sample size of 93 informants. Herein, a qualitative design was chosen and purposive sampling was used. Questionnaires, Interviews, focus group Discussions and Observations were used to collect data. The finding of this study depicts that, child labour is ample spread in Dodoma Municipality. There are different forms of child labour; there are children who were working in informal sectors willingly whereas others were strained by their parents or guardians. Furthermore, it has been discovered that poverty was the source of child labour. More causes include, socio-economic destitution and working to elevate money for buying school uniforms. The study depiction has based on some effects of child labour, such as working long hours for very low wages, also it affected the performance of children, in the classroom and can consequently caused them to drop out of school. Apart from the above mentioned negative impacts, it has been explored that, working children gave much in family circle economy. Out of 60% of children used their earnings to supplement family income. The study eventually unveils that, there was a lack of enforcement of the laws that defended children from worst form of practice. The accordingly study suggests that, there should be a child labour control and protection as well as the rights of children, such as improving of basic education, establishing poverty reduction tactics as well as law enforcers to play their role successfully.
dc.language en
dc.publisher The University of Dodoma
dc.subject Labour
dc.subject Labour laws
dc.subject Dodoma
dc.subject International Labour Organization
dc.subject ILO
dc.subject Child workers
dc.subject Child Labour
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.subject Parents
dc.subject Guardians
dc.title The assessment child labour in Tanzania: a case of Majengo and sabasaba markets in Dodoma Municipality
dc.type Dissertation

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