Dissertation (MA Public Administration)
E-Governance solutions in educational sector incorporates the latest technology to bring a system that combines administrative and university management functions that are necessary for successful handling of all issues relating to the academic affairs and the challenges for smooth functioning of an educational institution study was conducted within the Dodoma Municipality at the University of Dodoma. The main objective of the study was to examine the challenges of introdusing and using e-governace as a means of communication in learning institutions using The Universisty of Dodoma (UDOM) as its case study in Dodoma urban Municipality. Specifically the study explored, to explore the reasons for the for the introduction of e-governace in higher learning institutions. The findings of the study were drawn from the data collected from sixty-four (60) respondents of which some were twenty-three (23) students, fourteen (14) lecturers, and
the administration staff who were twenty three (23) of the University of Dodoma. The data collection methods used was interview and questionnaire. Secondary information were obtained through review of literature from published and unpublished documents, reports and journals through which E- Governance was written on The major findings of the study were that internet connectivity, unreliable power electricity supplies the lack of equipment ( computers with internet connections) the low understanding on the concept of e- governance have all had a direct impact on the introduction and use of e-governance in higher learning institutions.