Dissertation (MA Public Administration)
For the last three decades, citizen participation has become an increasing aspect of and as a key of development within the realm of good governance across the world. It has gained ground and has been embraced in political, economic and social spheres of life. Governments emphasize participatory approaches in the development activities that intend to benefit a given community.
This research aimed to explore the role of local authority in promoting citizen participation toward development at Kizota ward as case study. Specifically, the study assesses the extent to which the local leaders and public officials promote citizen participation in development activities at local authority, explore different mechanism and strategies used to ensure effective citizen participation in development activities at local authority and examine the role of government in ensuring effective citizen participation in development activities at local authority.
The study used a qualitative approach and applies a case study. Primary data were through survey method using questionnaires and the interview method, using an interview guide. Again these data were collected through documentary review. The study covered 129 respondents who were selected from all ten streets of Kizota ward. These were Salama, Mtube, Itega, Mnyamkongo, Sokoine, Bochela, Relini, Bwawani, Mkonong‟o, and Kisabuje.
Research findings revealed that citizen participation is ineffective and inefficient at local government .The majority of people who responded, were dissatisfied with the involvement of the citizen in different development activities. The study consequently through citizen and local leaders, suggested that all stakeholders should involve in local authority that is leaders and citizen, to make their contributions on development activities.