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Network vulnerabilities analysis: a case study of the college of informatics and virtual education (CIVE)

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dc.creator Kikude, Wilfred 2020-03-05T09:39:30Z 2020-03-05T09:39:30Z 2019 2022-10-20T13:46:58Z 2022-10-20T13:46:58Z
dc.identifier Kikude, W. (2019). Network vulnerabilities analysis: A case study of the college of informatics and virtual education (CIVE) (Master's dissertation). The University of Dodoma, Dodoma.
dc.description Dissertation (MSc Information Technology)
dc.description Network Vulnerabilities are weaknesses that allow attackers to bypass communication systems or network security. This grants the attackers access to crucial information on victim’s computer systems. So, analysis of network vulnerabilities is highly recommended as it helps to identify them in order to ensure a secured network. The experiments for this study were carried out on three networking environments. The first one was the CIVE LAN (as the main target), the second one was the COED LAN, in which these two are the subnets of UDOM core network. And the third one was an external network. But unfortunately, from the external network, the targets were not reachable. So the scans were successfully conducted on two subnets of UDOM core network which were CIVE LAN (as a Subnet 1) and COED LAN (as a Subnet 2). Whereby, several scans were performed on 10 core networking devices as targets that located within CIVE LAN, by using two network vulnerabilities scanners namely Nessus Professional 8.3.2 and Nexpose Community 6.5.64. The results of the experiments were also analyzed by these two tools automatically. As each detected network vulnerability has its proper measure that proposed so as to mitigate it in order to ensure a secured network within CIVE.
dc.language en
dc.publisher The University of Dodoma
dc.subject Network vulnerabilities
dc.subject Communication systems
dc.subject Network security
dc.subject LAN
dc.subject Local Area Network
dc.subject Computer systems
dc.subject External network
dc.title Network vulnerabilities analysis: a case study of the college of informatics and virtual education (CIVE)
dc.type Dissertation

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