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Assessment of tendering procedures in public organizations in Tanzania: a case of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) in Dodoma

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dc.creator Jafari, Shabani 2018-03-28T06:09:28Z 2018-03-28T06:09:28Z 2017 2022-10-20T14:39:51Z 2022-10-20T14:39:51Z
dc.identifier Jafari, S. (2017). Assessment of tendering procedures in public organizations in Tanzania: a case of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) in Dodoma. Dodoma: The University of Dodoma
dc.description Dissertation (Master of Business Administration)
dc.description The study has aimed to assess tendering procedures in public organizations in Tanzania; a case of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) in Dodoma. The study specifically has focused on assessing and documented the existing tendering procedures in TRA, evaluate the effectiveness of tendering procedures in TRA and assess factors that contributed to the effectiveness of tendering procedures. A cross sectional research design was adopted; sample sizes of 50 respondents were obtained through purposive and non-purposive sampling techniques. The study has used both quantitative and qualitative methods approaches. Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel (Ms Excel) were used to analyze data. Data have revealed stages for tendering which are; tender advertisements, submission, opening, assessment and tender award. During tender advertisement, Tender Board advertises tenders in various newspapers and welcomes tenders, to submit their tender documents. During submission, the Tender Board compiles a list of renderers based on their qualifications. Likewise, findings also have shown that, 50% of the respondents had the opinion that TRA was very effective in conducting tendering process, 20% effective, 18% not sure, 2% less effective and 10% of respondents opined that was not effective. Moreover, the study determined factors hindering the effectiveness of tendering process, these included lack responsive bidders (14%); Lack of funds (10%); Lack of awareness and knowledge about the PPA No 21 of 2004 and its regulation of 2005 (31%); Intentionally high price charged by supplies on goods and services; Deliveries of item requested by user department; Poor implementation of procurement plan and ICT and network related problems hinders the process. An overall, TRA is effective in following tendering procedures. In General TRA is effective in following tendering procedures. The management should find out or put strategy to ensure that, the processing was done as per framework.
dc.language en
dc.publisher The University of Dodoma
dc.subject Tendering procedures
dc.subject Tanzania Revenue Authority
dc.subject TRA
dc.subject Public organisation
dc.subject Dodoma
dc.subject Procurement plan
dc.title Assessment of tendering procedures in public organizations in Tanzania: a case of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) in Dodoma
dc.type Dissertation

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