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Sub- and supercritical water gasification of rice husk: parametric optimization using the I-optimality criterion

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dc.creator Bakari, Ramadhani
dc.creator Kivevele, Thomas
dc.creator Huang, Xiao
dc.creator Jande, Yusufu A. C. 2021-05-28T09:51:09Z 2021-05-28T09:51:09Z 2021 2022-10-20T13:09:29Z 2022-10-20T13:09:29Z
dc.identifier Bakari, R., Kivevele, T., Huang, X., & Jande, Y. A. (2021). Sub- and supercritical water gasification of rice husk: parametric optimization using the I-optimality criterion. ACS Omega, 2021(6), 12480−12499.
dc.identifier DOI:
dc.description Full text article. Also available at
dc.description In this study, rice husk biomass was gasified under sub- and supercritical water conditions in an autoclave reactor. The effect of temperature (350–500 °C), residence time (30–120 min), and feed concentration (3–10 wt %) was experimentally studied using the response surface methodology in relation to the yield of gasification products. The quadratic models have been suggested for both responses. Based on the models, the quantitative relationship between various operational conditions and the responses will reliably forecast the experimental outcomes. The findings revealed that higher temperatures, longer residence times, and lower feed concentrations favored high gas yields. The lowest tar yield obtained was 2.98 wt %, while the highest gasification efficiency and gas volume attained were 64.27% and 423 mL/g, respectively. The ANOVA test showed that the order of the effects of the factors on all responses except gravimetric tar yield follows temperature > feed concentration > residence time. The gravimetric tar yield followed a different trend: temperature > residence time > feed concentration. The results revealed that SCW gasification could provide an effective mechanism for transforming the energy content of RH into a substantial fuel product.
dc.language en
dc.publisher American Chemical Society
dc.subject Rice
dc.subject Rice husk
dc.subject rice husk biomass
dc.subject Sub- and supercritical water conditions
dc.subject Autoclave reactor
dc.subject Temperature
dc.subject Biomass
dc.subject Water gasification
dc.subject Rice husk
dc.subject Supercritical water
dc.title Sub- and supercritical water gasification of rice husk: parametric optimization using the I-optimality criterion
dc.type Article

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