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Predictors of successful induction of labour using intra cervical foley balloon catheter, and associated obstetric outcomes among women with post date pregnancy at Iringa regional referral hospital

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dc.creator Samson, John 2022-03-03T12:30:10Z 2022-03-03T12:30:10Z 2021 2022-10-20T14:03:24Z 2022-10-20T14:03:24Z
dc.identifier Samson, J. (2021). Predictors of successful induction of labour using intra cervical foley balloon catheter, and associated obstetric outcomes among women with post date pregnancy at Iringa regional referral hospital (Master's dissertation). The University of Dodoma, Dodoma.
dc.description Dissertation (MMED Obstetrics and Gynecology)
dc.description Intracervical foley balloon catheter has shown to be effective, cheaper and reasonable mechanical method of induction of labour. Aim of my study was to determine the predictors of successful induction of labour using intracervical balloon catheter. A cross sectional analytical study conducted among postdates singleton pregnant women underwent induction of labour by intracervical balloon foley catheter between December 2020 and january2021 at Iringa Regional Referral hospital. Women with twin pregnant and co morbid like PIH, genital watts, and IFD were excluded. Overall of 188 women were enrolled in the study. Bishop score assessment ware done before catheter insertion and after catheter drop out. A sterile intracervical catheter ware inserted. Those with cervical dilatation of 4cm or more after drop out of Foley balloon catheter then were transferred in labour ward. In labour ward those mother with good uterine contraction of 3 contractions in 10minutes underwent early artificial rupture of fetal membranes and were monitored continuously. The data were analyzed using SPSS 25 version. The mean age of participants was 26.09 ±6.13. Most of the respondents 71.28% were from urban area of residency, 83.51% were married. Proportional of successful IOL were 71.28%. High number of successful induction ware observed to those artificially membrane ruptured after catheter drop out 117(79.05%). The observed maternal outcomes were; Caesarean section 31.38%, PPH 4.79%, and vacuum delivery 15.43%.Fetal outcomes was APGAR < 7 which ware 29.26%, admissions to neonatal ICU were 26.6% and those neonatal discharged alive were 97.87%. It was observed that induction of labour was significantly associated with early artificial rupture of membrane after drop out of balloon catheter and those with bishop score of >6 before induction with (p<0.001) and (p<0.004), respectively. Intracervical foley balloon catheter insertion among post-date women is effective, safe and feasible mechanical method of induction of labour. Intracervical foley balloon catheter for induction of labour has high proportional of successful among postdate singleton pregnant women. The most challenges facing successful of induction of labour is identification of patient who will be successful or fail.
dc.language en
dc.publisher The University of Dodoma
dc.subject Intra cervical foley balloon catheter
dc.subject Obstetric outcomes
dc.subject Iringa regional referral hospital
dc.subject Augmentation
dc.subject Postdate pregnancy
dc.subject Caesarean Delivery
dc.subject C/D
dc.subject Postpartum Hemorrhage
dc.subject PPH
dc.title Predictors of successful induction of labour using intra cervical foley balloon catheter, and associated obstetric outcomes among women with post date pregnancy at Iringa regional referral hospital
dc.type Dissertation

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