A Dissertation Submitted to the School of Business in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for Award of the Degree of Master in Business Administration
(MBA) of Mzumbe University
This research is about the relationship between service delivery and customer
satisfaction in the banking industry. The objectives of the study were; to examine the
relationship between service delivery and customer satisfaction in the banking
industry, to determine the customers‟ perception of service quality at NMB, to
establish the extent to which the NMB customers in Sinza branch are satisfied with
the services they receive and to determine the factors that challenge service delivery
at NMB. The formulated conceptual framework based on the reviewed literature
explains concept of service quality, customer satisfaction, customer service delivery
in the banking industry, customer waiting time, customer care strategy, internal and
external market and technology. This research was conducted at NMB Sinza Branch
due to the reason that this branch is a newly established branch having not more than
one year. Also, according to BOT statistics, NMB as a leading and successful
microfinance bank in Tanzania having many customer than any bank in Tanzania. As
it is known that in any business whenever the number of customers is high customer
satisfaction tends to be low.
The researcher used both the qualitative and quantitative research approach. The data
is collected from 109 out of 120 questionnaires that were distributed. The data
collection methods used in this study were questionnaires and documentary review.
Quantitative data from the questionnaires were analyzed by using a computer
Software Package for Statistical Sciences (SPSS)
The findings indicate that the majority of customers are satisfied with the service they
receive from NMB bank. However, this research recommends some improvements on
important areas such as technology and infrastructure, as for instance the ATMs
machines. Besides, the bank should provide more training opportunities for the staff
on the service offered by the bank, by so doing staffs will be able to provide good
services to their customers. Also, the bank should employ more staff to meet
customer and provide more information to the customers as to inform them about the
different services that the bank provides to them.