A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Award
of the Degree of Master of Business Administration in Corporate Management
of Mzumbe University
This research report assessed the importance of customer relationship management
on banking sector in Tanzania; a case of selected commercial banks in Mwanza
city. The study explored sharp decrease application of customer relationship
management under customer satisfaction and marketing productivity. This was
pursued under the specific objectives; which were to analyze the importance of
Customer relationship management practice in bank sector under competitive
market, to find out the relationship between customer relationship management and
customer satisfaction and to examine the effect of customer relation management
practices on marketing productivity.
Both case and survey research design were used to quantitatively assess the
relationships among variables; (Glasow, 2005). A number of 3 commercial banks
were selected operating in Nyamagana district, Mwanza city. The purposeful
sampling technique and simple sampling technique were used to select the 75
respondents from the particular formal commercial bank sector that were the
sample size required for the research study. In the study report both quantitative and
qualitative methods were used to analyze data from the selected respondents. Data
were coded and processed using the Statistical Package for Social Science.
Findings from the field reveals that, there was a more coordinated and professional
approach to customer contact, with up to date customer information. The field data
conclude that, banks offers more personalized service, targeting and serve customer
on individual basis. To examine the effect of CRM practices on banking sector the
study found that marketing productivity, customer retention, attracting new
customer and satisfaction increases banks performance. Provisioning the facilities
attending the needs without delay in time, meeting the changing needs, creating the
database, employee approach, customer awareness and fulfilling the promise
provided can make the customer satisfied.
The study recommended that, the banks to be successful in the intensively
competitive environment, they should bound to attach importance of customer