A Dissertation submitted in Partial fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of
the Degree of Master of Business Administration ( MBA-Corporate Management)
of Mzumbe University
SMEs contribute to employment, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) enhancementinnovations, human resource development and poverty alleviation. It has been found that
it is not only the big businesses that provide the foundations of the nations economies,
but small enterprises also play significant role in developing the economies of nationsHowever, the pace shown among SMEs that accessed credit guarantee is not promisingThe general objective of the study was to examine the role of credit guarantee in
promoting SMEs development through CRDB Bank in collaboration with PASS inMorogoro municipality.
Case study research design was utilized in the methodology. A sample size of 50respondents including SMEs owners and manager were used in the study. Data collected
were analysed using excel software to obtain frequency and percentage distribution as
major variables.
The findings indicated that 80% of respondents argued that they have knowledge on how
to access credit guarantee from financial or private sector trusts as assisted by PASSafter collaborating banks accept the client with the PASS business plan and the waypartial credit guarantee from PASS enable SMEs to top up in case of inadequate
collateral. Likewise, 87% of respondents stated that loan conditions direct the
management of the SMEs to influence the credit guarantors or lenders to either give ordeny the applications from the SMEs. This has be so from the fact that, without showingthe ability to access and utilize the loan well the credit guarantee would be deemed tonothing while channelling funds to the wrong client. Furthermore, 80% of respondentsreported that regulatory framework on accessing guarantee seemed to hinder SMEs toaccess credit easily. With these conditionalities some SMEs unable to access the creditguarantee.
It is concluded that SMEs‟ needs framework that has profound effect on theirperformance as the situation and conditions of the borrowing SMEs and loancharacteristics impinge SMEs to access loans and ultimately non-repayments.