A dissertation submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Masters of Science Economics in Project Planning and Management
of Mzumbe University
This study analyzed consumer choice on contraceptive use and its implications on
family welfare in Meru district. The study had two main research questions: what
guides the consumer choice to use family planning and how does the use of family
planning help in improving family welfare. The study used cross sectional study
design and simple random sampling technique was used to obtain a sample of 100
individuals whose data was collected through face to face interviews.
Based on descriptive data among economic variables; that were strongly associated
with family planning were income and education specifically data revealed that
university education has high percent contribution about 60% to family planning
choice. Among demographic variables; that were strongly associated with family
planning were age, gender and family size specifically data revealed female (75%)
are the ones who access family planning than male, among social cultural factors;
that were strongly associated with family planning were social networks and gender
role specifically data revealed 65 respondents agreed that social network influenced
their family planning choice, among perceived benefits; that were strongly associated
with family planning were development needs and mothers health specifically data
revealed that development 56 respondents needs guided their choice towards family
planning. Based on the regression results, the economic factors that were important
in determining family planning were distance at 10% significance level and
education at 10% level. With regard to perceived benefits which were pooled into the
same variable it was significant at 1% level.
Based on the findings the study suggests that to make a successful move towards
controlling population, family planning education is inevitable. This is to say there is
a need to incorporate element of family planning for economic development when
providing family planning education. It must make people perceive family planning
beyond child spacing and more important incorporate how it affects family’s
economic status.