A Compulsory Research Report Submitted to Mzumbe University – Mbeya Campus College in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Award of Bachelor Degree of Laws (LL.B) of Mzumbe University.
The thesis is examining the Protection of right to privacy at digital platform in Tanzania: critical assessment of the law and practice Right of privacy is one among the important rights that influences the growth and sustainability of democracy in the country. In the United Republic of Tanzania, the same is protected by different laws including the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, the Electronic and Postal Communication Act 2010, the National Security Act, and the Cybercrimes Act No. 14 of 2015 to mention just a few.
Therefore, the study has five chapters. Whereas chapter one covers the general introduction of work that provide for the legal foundation and background of the problem. The chapter include also the statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questionnaires, significance of the study and scope and limitation of the study.
The second chapter gives philosophical and juridical meaning of the key concepts or the legal framework relevant to the study that are relevant and necessary on protection of right to Privacy in the digital platform.
Accordingly, chapter three of the study provide for a comparative analysis of existing laws both in Tanzania and other international instruments in relation with protection of right to privacy in the digital platform, includes Domestic Legislations Example Cyber-Crime Act, Electronic and Postal Communication Act and international legislations which include Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights(ICCPR) to mention just few which protects the right to privacy in the digital platform.
Also Chapter Four it provides assessment of the law and practice on the protection of the right to privacy in the digital platform in which in first place there is an assessment of the laws domestic and International Legislations on the protection of the right to privacy it means which provisions on domestic laws and international legislation which provides on the protection of the right to privacy and the second aspect containing How can effective privacy protection be realized in Tanzania using a rights-based approach and the third one is on What legal framework (constitutional and statutory) protects privacy right in Tanzania should be developed. In which these methods of collecting data were used including Interview and Group discussion in which helps on providing data for the aim of accomplishing the thesis at hand.
Finally, chapter four provides for conclusion and recommendations of the study.