A compulsory research report submitted to Mzumbe University – Mbeya Campus College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an award of the bachelor degree of laws (LL.B) of Mzumbe University
Mobile imoney itransfer iand ipayments ivia imobile iphone idevice ihas iemerged ias ia isignificant isubstitute iplatform iof iundertaking ifinancial itransactions iagainst ithe itraditional iconventional ibanks iand iinternet. iThe istudy iaimed ito iexamine ithe iclarity, iadequacy iand ieffectiveness iof ithe icurrent iLaws iand iinstitutional iFramework ion iresponse ithe ichallenges iposed iby irelated icomputer icrimes iinvolved iin ithe iplatform, iaddressing iproblems ifacing icustomer, ibanks, imobile ioperators iand ipublic iin igeneral iand iproposed ia isuitable ilegal iand iinstitution iframework ithat iwill ibe iadequate iand iaccommodate itechnologies ichanges. iThe istudy ifound ithat, ithere iis ia isubstantial iamount iof iliterature ion icybercrimes iLaws igenerally, ihowever ithere iis ia ideath iof iLiterature ion imobile imoney itransfer iand ipayments iservices ivia imobile iphone iissues. iThe iresearch iconducted ithrough iqualitative imethod iin iorder ito icollect iinformation ion ithe ifollowing imethods; iinterview iand iobservation. i iA inumber iof irespondents iwere iinvolved iduring iresearch; iTanzania iCommunication iRegulatory iAuthority istaffs, iordinary icitizens, imobile imoney icustomers, imobile imoney iagents iand iothers. iThe iresearcher ifound iout ithat iin ispite iof ihaving ilaws iand iinstitutional iframeworks ithat idealing iwith iIT, iTelecommunications iand iFinancial itransactions iin iTanzania, istill ihas iinadequacy iand ieffective ion ilegal iframework, ilack iof iskills iand icapability iof istaffs ito iinvestigate iand iprosecute icyber icases. i iThe iresearcher irecommended ithat, isince ithe imobile imoney itransfer iand ipayments ihave iproved ito ibe ian iimportant ifinancial itransaction ito iunbanked iand irural iareas, iit iis ia iright itime ifor ithe igovernment ito irestructure ithe icurrent i ilaws iand irestructure iits iinstitutions iso ias ito iprotect ithe iinterest iof ithe istakeholder iwithin ithe iplatform.