A Research Report Submitted to Mzumbe University – Mbeya Campus College in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement for Bachelor Degree of Human Resources Management (BHRM) of Mzumbe University
This research report assesses practice of affirmation action toward equal employment opportunity in financial institution in Tanzania. The aim of this study was to influence and increase women participation in employment opportunities in financial institutions. The factor influenced a researcher to choose the title was women employment situation at workplace, their participation still poor regardless of affirmative action practices taken. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the practice of affirmative action toward equal employment opportunity while the specific objectives were: To examine legal and policy frameworks of affirmative action, to describe the practices of affirmative action at workplace, to identify and explain the challenges of affirmative action practices at the workplaces.
The study was conducted in Mbeya City specifically at CRDB Bank PLC-Mount Livingstone branch. CRDB have been selected due to the fact that it associated with financial activities. The study consisted of 55 respondents. With useful of snowball and purposive sampling procedures, data were gathered using questionnaires interview and a review of documents. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to analyze data. CRDB BANK PLC with the government's legal framework and affirmative action policy prohibit discriminatory practices at workplaces based on sex and other special groups. Furthermore, there are some challenges that hinder women’s participation in those opportunities. Some of these hindrances are culture and values, negative attitudes toward women and other special groups, inadequate funds, inadequate employment opportunities, inadequate requisite qualifications and family responsibilities.
Apart from the hindrances there are recommended solutions for enhancing affirmative action at work place, they include: providing enough training to enhance women capacity, advising and motivating women so as to build their confidence and self-value. The government should increase women enrollment in education in all subjects from primary to university level.