A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Award
of the Degree of Master of Business Administration in Corporate Management
(MBA-CM) of Mzumbe University.
This study aimed on exploring and assessing the concept of customer engagement
on the adoption of new products in Tanzania telecommunication sector.
It was imperative to do this study, as most previous studies conducted were applied
research, with few done on exploring and assessing the concept of customer
engagement. The Researcher wanted to bridge that literature gap by precisely
knowing the problems and solutions of the cited concept in order to fill that
knowledge gap.
The study used primary data set of 60 individuals; from Vodacom Tanzania Limited,
Tigo Tanzania Limited and Airtel Tanzania Limited; where 20 participants were
randomly drawn from each company. The data set were analysed by using Statistical
Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 23.0, where quantitative analysis
technique was used.
The findings of this study revealed that; customers’ awareness, Customers Loyalty,
and Customers Feedback, positively influences adoption of new products by
Customers in Tanzania by 53.5%.
Further customer loyalty had insignificant impact to adoption of new products. It is
therefore worthy to conclude that adoption of new product in telecommunication
companies through internet-based services is facilitated by customer feedback and
awareness generation.
The study recommends that as companies seek to engage the customer with internet
based services on the adoption of a new product they should also come up with strategies
that will enhance customer loyalty such as copyrights and bonus for loyal customer
as it will increase the impact to be obtained on customer engagement process.