A Dissertation submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Degree of Master of Business Administration in Corporate Management
(MBA-CM) of Mzumbe University
The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of Human resource department
towards improvement of organizational performance in Tanzania in particular at the
Highland Estates Limited. The specific research objectives were to identify the
strategies used by the human resource department in improving employee
performance, to examine the participation of human resource department and
employee in reaching company goals and to examine employee problem resolution
techniques. The study involved 82 respondents. Both primary and secondary data
collection methods were employed. This study employed simple random sampling
and non-probability sampling (purposive sampling) technique to obtain the
respondents. Simple random sampling was used for Highland Estates Limited in
which the population is more homogenous and thus random sampling was the most
appropriate. Purposive sampling on which it was used to select top management of
Highland Estates Limited from each section who provided valid information relevant
to this study. Data obtained were analysed through Statistical Package for Social
Science (SPSS) software program. The study found that, there are various strategies
used by the human resource department in improving employee performance. The
most used strategy by the HR department motivation followed by training and
capacity building. Training was observed to be done not frequently and this hindered
much on reaching organizational goals. The study recommended that, the most used
problem resolution technique was disciplinary committee and through warning letter.
However, it was said by the respondents that before hearing the respondent is served
with a notice, which stipulates the nature of offence complained of. During hearing
all the parties are given chance to be heard and finally the committees issues a
decision which binds all the parties. Furthermore, in case of one party aggrieved with
such a decision is given a right to appeal to the appellate authority as provided for
under the company policy.