A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Award
of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Corporate
Management of Mzumbe University.
The study sought to examine the factors affecting the implementation of Balanced
Scorecard in Tanzania with TRA as a case study. Specifically, the study intended to
determine if job description affect the successful implementation of the balanced scorecard
in Tanzania, to identify if the level of management support affects successful
implementation of balanced Score card in Tanzania, to find out if the extent of
employees’ supervision affects successful application of balanced score card in
Tanzania and also to examine suggested mechanisms in the organization for
successful application of Balanced Score Card in Tanzania. A sample of 92
respondents was used. Data collection instruments used were questionnaires,
interviews and documentary review.
The study found that, majority of the respondents (55%) does not agree job
description affects the implementation of balanced scorecard in an organization. On
the other hand, 45% agrees job description affects the implementation of BSC. The
findings of the study further found that, over 80% of staff at TRA strongly believe
management support is paramount to the effective implementation of the BSC within
the organization and that lack of management support will leads to poor or no
implementation at all of the BSC. It was found that, majority (85%) of TRA staff
agreed hiring new employees is the main management supervision factor affecting
the implementation of BSC in an organization.
The study concludes for Tanzania’s organizations to effectively implement balanced
score card, effective mechanisms for BSC implementation must be put in place,
proper employee job description must be conducted, effective employees’
supervision methods should be employed and adequate financial resources should be
allocated for BSC project implementation. The study recommends the government
should intervene so that the management of public organizations should undertake
effective job analysis in order to effectively carry out employee’s job description.
The government should introduce an enforcement mechanism that will ensure all
public organizations develop and implement the BSC because of its numerous