A Research Dissertation Submitted to Dar-es-Salaam Campus College in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Master of Business Administration in Corporate Management (MBA-CM) Degree of Mzumbe University
The main objective of this paper are to assess the impact of self- service technologies
on banks performance in Tanzania. A case of DTB. The specific objectives which
were identifying the types of self service technologies adopted at DTB, assessing
customers perception of Self service technologies used at DTB , examining the
influence self service technologies on market coverage ,to assess SST’s effects on
DTB’s profitability and indentifying challenges facing SSTs users who are
customers from DTB. Case study was adopted in this study. The study was took place
in Dar es Salaam city. Collection of data was done through questionnaires only. It was
basically qualitative in nature with few elements of quantitative. Data was
presented through tables and graphs, then a broad discussion which originated from
the findings. It is concluded that the major SSTs used in banks are ATMs,
EFTPoS, internet banking and mobile banking. Also there is positive of customers
towards SSTs due to the facet fact that they renders banking services to
customers easily, also SSTs have simplified banking services. Moreover, there are
no network inconveniencies upon using SSTs from DTB. Also, there are limitations of
the amount of money to transacted through SSTs. Due to the use of SSTs there
have been increase of geographical coverage of services, there has been a growth
in the demand of services and the market share has increased. SSTs usage has led to
the decrease of operational cost, increase of sales , increase of customers as well as
high profits have been realized. However, SSTs come with a number of challenges to
mention a few like insecurity, false personification risk, risk of hackers, a great
chance of miss transaction followed by difficulties in reversing the miss transacted
amount. The government should amend a number of policies and regulations so as to
enforce financial institutions to adopt the use of SSTs. Banks should make sure
that there is high security of customers funds once they decide to use SSTs, the banks should develop a number of strategies that will make sure hackers are
highly restricted.