A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the requirements for Award of
the degree of Master of Business Administration Corporate Management
(MBA - CM) of Mzumbe University
MRS efficiency in Tanzania is greatly impacted as it will be seen throughout the
analysis by the five forces model at different angles. The power of buyers and
suppliers, the challenge of new entrants and replacements as well as the competition
between players in the MRS segment are the main parameters around which research
can grow. The dissertation consists of five chapters while chapter one will
predominantly exhaust information on the context of the research and the problem
environment, along with the goals of the analysis. Research questions will also unfold
along with the study spectrum, without ignoring the limitations that the researcher
faced in the field. Chapter one is wound up by the research organization. Chapter two
will discuss evaluating the literature to obtain secondary data, conceptual structure. It
will address the theoretical and analytical study of literature. It will be spelt out on
and in discrete variables.
The research methodology is in chapter three, which covers the design of the study,
the sample and the sampling methods used and the data collection and eventually the
analysis. Forty respondents were chosen from the 200 universes for the study being
served by GSM Steel. An interview guide, questionnaires and evaluation were used
to collect specific raw data while attempting to analyze the applicability of the five
forces model in the MRS market.
Also, chapter four will primarily speak about the results the researcher gathered in
Tanzania on GSM Steel and the MRS. Mapping such forces into the Tanzania sheet
metal industry, where applicability of 5 forces is explored with practical examples in
the Tanzania roofing industry, would illustrate the case of input from GSM Steel
Individual respondent to make the right strategic decision.