A Dissertation submitted to the School of Business in Partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA-Corporate Management) of Mzumbe University
The study was about the assessment of the impact of organizational structure change on staff working morale. It was conducted at Bank of Africa (BOA) in Tanzania – Dar es Salaam. The study used cross-sectional design. It involved 60 bank employees as study population. The units ranged from directors to lower cadre employees. Stratified sampling technique was used. The sampling process involved clustering of employees according to their departments and areas of specialization. The reason for using stratified sampling was to obtain different kinds of information from different groups of employees for the purpose of generating comprehensive answers to the researcher questions. The study utilized as sample of 35 units out of 60 which were generated from the clusters. Data collection involved an array of tools which included interviews; administration of questionnaires and observation. Data were processed and analysed descriptively using statistical package for social science research (SPSS). The findings show that; 80% of the respondents agree that organizational structure change results into better (information) flow of communication among employees, 83% of respondents support that structural change enhance well strategic decision making which in turn enhance job satisfaction among employees. However, 77% of the respondents pointed out the insecurity of employees and labour turnover 80% as among the impact of organizational structure change. Yet, 85% of the respondents argued for the scarcity of labour, lack of adequate training due to changes introduced which result into loss of employee competence as reported by 87% of the respondents. Furthermore, 90% of the respondents reported the presence of overworking/work overload due to changes made as among the challenges. The study recommends the enhancement of participation in decision making, intensification of information channels and reduction of delays and time wastages when serving customers in order to increase performance and productivity. The researcher argues for the review of organizational structure change in hand by ensuring both employees and management collaboration for the thorough implementation of the changes needed.