A Dissertation Submitted in Partial/Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA- CM) of
Mzumbe University
The study was carried out at Morogoro Municipal council. The main object which the
study strove to achieve was to analyses the influence of corporate governance on the
SACCOS performance in Tanzania.
The simple size of the study was 78 extracted from the population of 200 people.
Both primary data and secondary data were used; the former used questionner, inter-view guide and focus group discussion (FGD). The latter used used documentary re-view. The data was carried out by using both qualitative and quantitative data analysis
methods. With regard to qualitative analysis, the researcher extracted the meaning
from the text and from the interview, coded them and makes interpretations. The in-terpretations avoided the researcher bias by focusing on the content of the information
that was available to the researcher.
With respect to quantitative analysis, data collected were edited for accuracy coded
and entered into SPSS. The analysis was in the form of tables, and percentages analy-sis. The techniques were used depending on the data collected from respondents and
Further a case study analysis was used. The case study analysis is one of the most de-sirable techniques that uses a pattern matching logic. Such logic compares an empiri-cally based pattern that is, one based on the findings from a case study - With a pre-dicted one made before data collection.
The governance of SACCOs is made up of the legal provision (such as Cooperative
Society Act), the by-laws and informal business culture within these institutions.
While the legal provision cut across all the SACCOs, the by-laws are more specific
and can establish the differences.
As SACCOs grow, we anticipate changes in their governance structure that will likely
reduce the informal components of governance to the more strict and formal structure.
It was found that in some SACCOs there were high levels of flexibility when it comes
to meetings. Combinations of these structures did not indicate to have adverse impact
on performance since dividend were paid to almost all members on time. The impact
of the structural changes from the informal to formal is beyond the scope of this cur-rent study.
Most of the SACCOs were able to pay dividends to their members and improved loan
and other financial access. The level of satisfaction was relatively high since a signifi-cant number of members were willing to attract others to join. Willingness of mem-bers to attract others is an indicator that the members are committed for the growth of
their SACCOs. Such high levels of commitment are mostly resulted by the positive
prospects for the future. Such prospects emerge out of good governance and perfor-mance.
. Finally the study recommends to the management of SACCOs and other organiza-tions to upgrade their corporate governance practices and structure so as to remain
profitable in this competitive sector