A Research Report Submitted to Mzumbe University, Main Campus in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for Award of the Degree of Masters of Business
Administration in Corporate Management (MBA-CM)
Micro finances provide financial services to the poor so as to improve access to
credit that enable the poor to finance productive activities that allow income
generation, consumption, savings, as well as investment. This is a route out of
poverty for the non-destitute chronic poor.
The major challenge to PLHAs is to accept their health problems and continue with
their normal life. Most of them think that after being tested and found positive, they
have to wait for their death. Stigma is another challenge facing them. PLHA have
many demands as they have to take their antiretroviral treatment as well as have
good nutritious food. So, they have to participate fully in income generating
activities. Some of them are eager to participate in those activities but the biggest
barrier to them is the startup capital. Many banks and MFIs are not ready to provide
micro-credit to this particular group. AFREDA has seen this challenge and decided
to help PLHA with capacity building programmes including trainings and microcredit
The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of micro-finance provided by
AFREDA to PLHAs and poverty reduction. The study approach was a combination
of exploratory and descriptive in nature because it sought to get insights into the
effectiveness of micro-finance provided by AFREDA to PLHAs and poverty
reduction. A combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis was used. A
random sample of 50 PLHAs were given questionnaires to fill in. The sample was
drawn from TAWG databases.
The findings of the study statistically reveal that there is a significant relationship
between the Micro finance provided to PLHAs by AFREDA which leads to poverty
reduction hence improved health status of PLHAs and reduced stigma of PLHAs.
The study recommends that efforts should be made by PLHAs to ensure they protect
themselves from new infections and secure their health. The government should
extend support to the institutions which assists PLHAs to ensure the good
implementation of micro finance policy.