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Radiological imaging is a diagnostic tool in medicine for diagnostic and therapeutic
examinations. There are different types of imaging modalities such as conventional
radiography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomography, nuclear
medicine, fluoroscopy studies for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease visualized in the
human body.
There are two types of radiation used in radiological procedures; ionizing and non - ionizing
radiation. The ionizing radiation used during radiological procedures carries potential risk to
the patient depend upon the dosage used.
Ionizing radiation is a type of energy released by atoms that travels in the form of
electromagnetic waves(gamma or x rays) or particles (neutrons, beta or alpha)(WHO 2016).
Radiation has been proven to have adverse biological effects on living organisms. These
adverse effects differ according to dose and duration of exposure. Radiation is widely used in
the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, but its limitation for medical purposes is
important. Previous studies proved that doctors’ knowledge of radiation safety is insufficient
and unnecessary examinations are performed every year (Bilgin & Ceyhan 2007)
A study that was done in the United States on the growing use of imaging procedures has
raised concerns about exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation in the general population
(Fazel et al. 2009).
Most of the doctors and intern doctors underestimated real radiation doses. This lack of
awareness may cause doctors to order more radiological investigations than they would if
properly educated (Bilgin & Ceyhan 2007). As radiation exposure affects doctors’ everyday
clinical practice, perhaps it should be regularly reinforced during hospital induction programs
to improve knowledge (Shiralkar et al. 2002).
OBJECTIVE: To determine and to assess the perception of clinicians on radiological
examinations and on patients’ exposure safety to ionizing radiation at KCMC hospital.
METHODOLOGY: The proposed study will be hospital based, prospective cross sectional
and case qualitative study. Data will be collected through the participant that will be obtained
from those who will consent after explaining the aim of the study to them and meet the
inclusion criteria. A purposive sampling method will be employed to select sample size
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