BACKGROUND: This Research Report explains the Factors that contributed to mortality of preterm infants at Rombo District Hospital from January 2012 to December 2015. It also explains the Socio-demographic characteristics among preterm infants, the Proportion of mortality, Infectious factors and Non-infectious factors that contributed to mortality of preterm infants at Rombo District Hospital from January 2012 to December 2015.
OBJECTIVES: The study objectives were to determine the factors that contributed to Mortality of Preterm infants at Rombo District Hospital from January 2012 to December 2015. This included the demographic characteristics of preterm infants, infectious factors and non-infectious factors that contributed to mortality of preterm infants, whose answers were detailed in the report.
METHODOLOGY: Hospital based Cross sectional retrospective study was used to answer both broad and specific objectives. The study area was Rombo District Hospital whereby 194 cases (N= 194) which were preterm infants were included in the study while those who were Preterm cases but with incomplete medical notes documentation and all stillbirths were not included in the study.
RESULTS: A total number of 194 preterm infants were included in this study during the study period of 1st January 2012 to 31st December 2015. From the study it showed that 134 (69.1%) of all preterm babies were female. Among 194 preterm babies, 103 (53.1%) were born between the gestational ages of 26-31 weeks. Of all 194 preterm babies born, 132 (68%) had birth weight between 2 -2.3 kilograms. 160 (82.5%) of 194 preterm babies that were born during that period remained alive within their first year of life (infantry). Among 194 preterm babies, 28 (14.4%) died before 28 days of life. 179 (92.3%) were born to mothers who are between 19 to 37 years old. Also 151 (77.8%) of these preterm infants were born to mothers who were peasants and 150 (77.3%) were born to cohabiting mothers. The study results will help the improvement of medical practice in the Pediatric unit of Rombo District Hospital so as to combat the infectious and non-infectious factors contributing to mortality of preterm infants. This will also help in the provision of Health education and awareness to the public about the burden of preterm mortality so as to reduce/prevent preterm deliveries at first.