Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is defined as giving only breast milk to the infant, without mixing water, other liquids, herbal preparations or food in the diet of the infant within the first six months with exception of medicines and other nutritional supplement like vitamins. Exclusive breastfeeding in Tanzania is not widely practiced where the prevalence of EBF is just 50% among infants under 6 month of age.
Breast milk provides 100% of the daily nutrition requirement of children up to 6 months of age, 50% for children of 6–12 months and 35% of nutritional requirement for children aged 12–24 months and lastly Exclusive breastfeeding contributes to a 22 % reduction in neonatal mortality.
Methods: Cross sectional study was done in Moshi rural and urban, May –June 2016. Snowball method were used and participants were selected and in depth interview was done through structured questionnaire that was prepared and filed note were taken.
Results: There is low prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding practices in Kilimanjaro 20.7% and this has been attributed by insufficient time to breastfeed the infants among working mothers in informal and formal sectors. Also the issue of priority among health care workers in addressing exclusive breastfeeding practices and its benefits.
Conclusion: Barriers to EBF practices are numerous and interconnected to one another. Insufficient time for exclusive breastfeeding among women who are working in formal and informal sector has been associated with reduced prevalence of EBF practice. Joint effort in the country up to the community level is need so as to combat this problem through education and community awareness campaign on EBF and ratifying some of the policies in the country to promote EBF practices among women up to 6 month since it’s beneficial in reducing child mortality by 13% - 15%.