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Background; According to WHO, breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure
child health and survival. If every child was breastfed within an hour of birth, given only breast
milk for their first 6 months of life, and continued breastfeeding up to age of 2 years, about
800,000 child lives would be saved every year and globally, less than 40% of infants under 6
months of age are exclusively breastfed (WHO, 2016).
Objectives; This study aims to determine factors influencing breastfeeding practices among
lactating mothers attending RCH clinic in Moshi municipal, with specific objectives of to
determine the prevalence of EBF in Moshi municipal,to describe early initiation of breastfeeding
in Moshi municipal,to assess the factors associated with EBF practices in Moshi municipal and
to describe on choice of breastfeeding practice chosen during pregnancy and their practices
Methodology; Cross-sectional study wasconducted between May and June among 422 women
with infants between 6-12 monthsattendedRCH clinic in Moshi municipal. An interview and
questionnaire was used to collect information on demographic characteristics, information on the
last pregnancy, knowledge on EBF and importance on breastfeeding and infant feeding practices.
Results; Prevalence of EBF in Moshi municipal was 13.5%. There was an association between
EBF practices up to the age of 6 months in relation to partner’s age and education level with no
significant difference between those with primary education from those with secondary
education. 54% of the mothers had chose on what feeding method and 66.5% practiced what
they had plan .93.4% of the mothers still breastfed their babies at the time of the study and (39%)
initiated complementary food at age of 3-4 months.
Conclusion; Prevalence of EBF up to six months is still low in Kilimanjaro, lower than the
national coverage of 50%. Strengthening of EBF counseling in all RCH clinics especially during
ANC visit and postnatal periods may help to improve EBF rates. And increase in time frame for
data collection may help to reach the estimated minimal sample size and improves EBF rates. |