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BACKGROUND: - Preeclampsia is a severe multi-system pregnancy related disorder associated with multiple maternal and fetal adverse outcomes, including fetal/maternal morbidity and mortality. Worldwide, preeclampsia it is the leading cause of maternal death account for 10% to 15% of all maternal death in developing country.
Preeclampsia divided into early onset (˂ 34 weeks GA) and late onset (˃ 34 weeks GA). Early onset preeclampsia associated with adverse maternal complication and unfavourable perinatal outcome like Eclampsia, Premature delivery, Fetal Growth Retardation, Intra Uterine Fetal Death and Low birth weight. Others include maternal intensive care admission, neonatal intensive care admission as well as maternal death and neonatal death.
OBJECTIVES: - To determine maternal and perinatal outcome in patients with preeclampsia
admitted at KCMC.
- To determine the prevalence of preeclampsia in patients with preeclampsia.
- To determine demographic and obstetrics characteristics of patients with preeclampsia.
METHODS; - This is a hospital based descriptive cross-sectional study aiming at establishing the maternal and perinatal outcome in patients with preeclampsia. The study conducted to all women with preeclampsia admitted in OBGY Department at KCMC Hospital. Convenient sampling method used to collect all data that were recorded in the registry book in OBGY Department between Jan 1st 2015 to Dec 31th 2015. Data processing and analysis was done by using SPSS version20.
RESULTS;- A total of 80 case files were reviewed in this study, 3300 deliveries made during a one year study period between Jan 1st 2015 to Dec 31st 2015, this gives a prevalence of 2.4%. Mean age in years of patients who were admitted in KCMC was 28± (8) with the range from 17yrs to 38yrs. A large number of them 32 (40%) were below 20yrs of age. Many 33 (38.75) of them were peasant. Majority 44(55%) were multigravida. Almost a half 38 (47.5%) had GA at booking between 16wks to 24wks. Most of patients 39 (48.75%) attended ANC at least once or twice throughout pregnancy. More than a half (55%) of all patients with preeclampsia had previous history of preeclampsia. About 38 (47.5%) had early onset preeclampsia. Majority 44 (55%) had preterm delivery. In about 37(46.25%) of them, induction of labour was required. Majority 55(68.75%) had severe preeclampsia. A total number of Eighteen (22.5%) patients had PE related complication which include Eclampsia 6 (7.5%), HELLP syndrome 5 (6.25%) and 2 Maternal death. Majority 44 (55%) of patients with PE had premature delivery, IUFD 26 (32.5%), Majority 42 (52.5%) had APGAR score below 7 on 5th minutes. Almost a half 39 (48.75%) of PE patients had very low birth weight below 1.5kg. 8 (10%) had ENND due to RDS.
CONCLUSION;-Result indicate that preeclampsia is still a serious problem worldwide with a number of complication both maternally and on perinatal. Most risk factor are age below 20 years and previous history of preeclampsia. |