This article draws from Gilles
Deleuze and Felix Guattari's
notion of refrain and Louise
Meintjes' concept of music figure
and examines various ways a
Danish-born Bongo Fleva musi-
cian in Tanzania, Mzungu Kichaa
deploys music figures to con-
struct African and Tanzanian
identities. It also examines how
he uses these figures to negotiate
his position in relation to these
identities. To illustrate the perform-
ative effects of music figures on
people's identities the article
examines how the deployment of
musical figures serves a double
function: to claim one's Tanza-
nian or African identity and to
announce one's difference with
other identities (e.g. European or
English identities) at least with
regard to musical taste. As a
result, Mzungu Kichaa's attempts
to enter into the mainstream UK's
and Danish music industry were
not successful since the music
figures he used, the figures that
justified his identity as a Tanza-
nian or African, occupied margi-
nal spaces in European contexts.