Huho, Bernadette J.; Ng'habi, Kija R.; Killeen, Gerry F.; Nkwengulila, Gamba; Knols, Bart G. J.; Ferguson, Heather M.
Release of genetically-modified (GM) or sterile male mosquitoes for malaria control
is hampered by inability to assess the age and mating history of free-living male Anopheles.
Age and mating-related changes in the reproductive system of male Anopheles gambiae
were quantified and used to fit predictive statistical models. These models, based on numbers of spermatocysts, relative size of sperm reservoir and presence/absence of a clear area around the accessory gland, were evaluated using an independent sample of mosquitoes whose status was blinded during the experiment.
The number of spermatocysts in male testes decreased with age, and the relative size of
their sperm reservoir increased. The presence of a clear area around accessory glands was also
linked to age and mating status. A quantitative model was able to categorize males from the blind
trial into age groups of young (≤ 4 days) and old (> 4 days) with an overall efficiency of 89%. Using
the parameters of this model, a simple table was compiled that can be used to predict male age. In
contrast, mating history could not be reliably assessed as virgins could not be distinguished from
mated males.
Simple assessment of a few morphological traits which are easily collected in the field
allows accurate age-grading of male An. gambiae. This simple, yet robust, model enables evaluation
of demographic patterns and mortality in wild and released males in populations targeted by GM
or sterile male-based control programmes.