The study was done at Public Service Recruitment Secretariat which a Public organization is
dealing with human resource activities like recruiting and selecting of public employees on public
The general objective of the study was to assess the impacts in the application of technology on
human resource management in the context of public organization. The specific objectives were
as follows; To assess the operation of information technology in Public service recruitment
secretariat, to analyze the difference between operations before and after the introduction of
information technology in Public service recruitment secretariat on human resource management
operations and lastly was to discover the challenges faced by Public service recruitment secretariat
and issues that need to be addressed to enhance the operations and sustainability of public sector.
Both theoretical and empirical literature was reviewed and the gap was determined and bridged.
Exploratory research approach was employed which included both qualitative and quantitative of
data management process through case study research design of descriptive nature which was also
used to undertake this work.
Thirty respondents participated in the study, since the sampling process was purposive due to the
focus on information which was specific relevant for the study. These were done through the use
of research instruments like questionnaire and interviews.
Findings indicated that the impact of Information technology on human resource management can
be seen on the usage that it has great affected the operations on public institutions by increasing
performance and reducing the operation cost within the organizations.
Recommendations includes the government should make sure employees are aware of the
technological changes within the organization so that to make easy of adoption of new technology
so that to increase performance.