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Influence of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Purchase Intentions Case of Tigo Tanzania – (youth people at Universities) Nyamagana in Mwanza city

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dc.creator BAHEBE, Sarah 2022-02-14T14:49:48Z 2022-02-14T14:49:48Z 2019 2022-04-05T08:01:42Z 2022-04-05T08:01:42Z
dc.description In Tanzania and other many countries, business and companies are using celebrity endorsement to convey their brand message and even trying to win the aggressive competition. The overall objective of this study was to assess the influence of celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase intention, The study also aimed at identifying the image that the celebrity portrays to its consumers in terms of product fit match between the product and the celebrity, to determine the transfer meaning by endorsers and how they influence purchase intention, and; lastly to identify the key factors of celebrity endorsement that can influence consumers purchase intention. The study surveyed 167 university students out of 205 students, using self-administered questionnaires and also interview was carried out with a selected number of 10 university student, data was analysed using descriptive statistics with the use of SPSS and presented as pie charts and frequency distribution tables. The findings of the study suggest that, celebrity endorsement adverts are perceived to be more attractive than non-celebrity endorsed adverts. Celebrities' attributes in adverts influences youths’ consumer purchase decisions and expertise, trustworthiness likeability and sense of similarity have the greatest influence on consumers purchase intention more than other attributes. Television and social media are the most influential media to convey celebrity endorsed advertisements. The study found out that most of youth are more influenced to buy products that they did not think of buying before all because they have been endorsed by the most liked celebrity or their favourite celebrities. The study concluded that celebrity endorsement is one of the most influential tools of advertising a certain business in order to find market of particular goods and services, but still the celebrity with no criteria’s listed in the above may lead to damage of a brand.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher SAUT
dc.subject Consumer Purchase Influence of celebrity
dc.title Influence of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Purchase Intentions Case of Tigo Tanzania – (youth people at Universities) Nyamagana in Mwanza city
dc.type Thesis

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