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Influence of Training Needs Assessment Procedures on Employees Performance in Tanzania Water Sector

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dc.creator KALAMATA, Vaileth 2022-02-15T09:39:35Z 2022-02-15T09:39:35Z 2019 2022-04-05T08:01:42Z 2022-04-05T08:01:42Z
dc.description The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of Training Needs Assessment Procedures on Employees Performance in Tanzania Water Sector – a case of Mwanza Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (MWAUWASA) in Mwanza City. The study was guided by four specific objectives (i) to determine the process used in conducting TNA at MWAUWASA, (ii) to assess how TNA practices influence employees performance (iii) to determine the influence of government policy on conduct TNA and (iv) to identify various barriers encountered in conducting TNA. The research surveyed 11 heads of department (HODs) and 60 staff members (employees) using self-administered structure questionnaire. Personal interviews were also used with selected HODs. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with help of SPSS and qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis technique. The results indicated that, majority of trained employees (71) following TNA improved their job performance. Moreover, MWAUWASA follows government policy on Training that stipulates use of TNA through OPRAS. However, conducting TNA faces a range of challenges (barriers) which include lack of funding resources, lack of adequate expertise, un-systemic training approaches and non-objectivity in the assessment process. The study recommended budget be allocated for conducting TNA and training, establishments of training evaluation procedures and every employee should attend training at least once a year, training HODs on TNA procedures, conducting TNA in all departments at least three times a year and initiate policy of motivation to boost employees morale.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher SAUT
dc.subject Employees Performance
dc.title Influence of Training Needs Assessment Procedures on Employees Performance in Tanzania Water Sector
dc.type Thesis

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