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The Valuation and Compensation of Land In Mining Licensed Area

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dc.creator KOMBA, Otmary G 2022-02-15T15:14:13Z 2022-02-15T15:14:13Z 2018 2022-04-05T08:34:03Z 2022-04-05T08:34:03Z
dc.description The study examined the nature of valuation and compensation, the right to property in the Tanzanian context. This study finds out whether the legal framework on valuation and compensation is adequate in protection of individual‟s rights as far as compensation rights is concerned. The study focused the pre-requisite conditions that are required before interference with peoples‟ rights to property in compulsory land acquisition are satisfied in the protection of their rights since the Constitution guarantees protection of property rights. It further seek to find out whether the legal framework on compensation contradict with relevant sections of Mining Act which might facilitate human right violation. Chapter three reviews the legal framework on valuation and compensation in mining licensed area, how the legal framework in case of compensation in mining licensed areas, the extent of compensation right to property was case study focusing on the rural mining communities, basing on legitimate aims for acquiring lands, the role of land valuation board, basic principles in property valuation, state obligations and whether the law serves to contradict to violate people‟s rights to compensation within the Tanzanian context. However, since there are no clear rules to determine whether compensation paid is just or adequate leaves the argument vague and in the end rather violates the rights of vulnerable groups. Whereas for instance developing countries has been inclined to prefer a more flexibility when it comes to appropriate standard for compensation, the question then bordering is what quantum constitute a just and adequate and how is the prompt often interpreted leaves more room for further deliberations. In addition, its seek to find how best the laws can cohere and harmonised with international human rights law to bring protection of peoples‟ rights to property.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher SAUT
dc.subject Valuation / Compensation
dc.title The Valuation and Compensation of Land In Mining Licensed Area

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