Kifumbu, Joyce S.
The study aimed at finding out factors hindering effective use of smartphone for academic
purposes within the context of Tanzania higher learning Institutions. Although there are
increasing advantages of smartphone in learning through Mobile-learning still some students do not use smartphone effectively for learning. The study specifically investigated various ways that the higher learning students utilize mobile smart phones to undertake academic tasks. Furthermore we determined various challenges experienced by higher learning students in using mobile Smartphone in academic tasks and recommend effective ways for improving use of mobile Smartphone in undertaking academic tasks by higher learning students. A survey was done and primary data was collected from 380 students (respondents) belonging to 10 higher learning Institution in Tanzania that are Mzumbe University, Tumaini University, Sokoine University, College of Business Education, Institute of Financial Management, Tanznania Institute of Accounts, Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy, Institute of social work, Arusha Institute of Accountancy and Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology. Results indicates that many students (74.7%) in Higher learning own smartphones for more than three years and they had enough experience in using. However most of them they use smartphone outside campus rather than in Classroom or Library. Respondents face various challenges while using their smartphone for learning such as economic and social inequality with regard to access to, use of, or impact of information and communication Technologies (digital divide), attitude toward M-learning in higher learning Institutions in Tanzania and lack of technological support for M-learning in Tanzania. Based on UTAUT model and analysis using binary logistic regression factors such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions were confirmed to significantly influence adoption of smartphone in learning. However those factors did not contribute positively to the respondents in adopting smartphone.The study provided three recommendation to higher learning institution in Tanzania to providing technically support to students in order to allow them to use M-learning effectively including provision of training and guidance to higher learning students on effective use of smartphones especially for learning purpose and to encourage higher learning students in Tanzania to adopt and use various new technology for learning purposes.