The present study attempted to assess the modes of delivery of guidance and counseling in
secondary schools in Nyamanoro ward. Available research show that students world-wide,
including Tanzania and Nyamanoro ward in particular experience problems which school
should solve through the provision of guidance and counseling. The study was carried out
in Nyamanoro ward, the observations made by the researcher concerning the modes of
delivery of guidance and counseling offered by school counselors and the researcher being
one of the school counselors where she worked for about five years prompted the study.
The investigations conducted qualitatively using secondary school counselors, district
education officer, head of schools and students as the respondents. A case study design
was used involving only qualitative data collection tools. School counselors, head of
schools and district education officer‟s interviews were used to assess how these modes
were utilized while focus group discussion was used for students.
The majority findings of the study revealed that the modes of delivery of guidance and
counseling were not well utilized. There was no guidance curriculum that could provide
similar guidelines to all secondary schools. However, there was no trained personnel‟s,
inadequate resources, no time allocation. Finally, results indicated that good use of the
modes in delivering guidance and counseling positively affect students in academic, social personal and career choice development.
General recommendation of the study and areas for further research are proposed as
follows; The government of Tanzania through the ministry of education should re-work on
the guidance and counseling policy; there should be trained personnel‟s in guidance and
counseling; time allocation; guidance and counseling should stand-alone as a subject;
similar study should be carried out extensively in other wards to come up with strategies
for improvement of the modes of delivery of guidance and counseling in secondary