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The Effectiveness of Teachers Supervision of Secondary School Students' Homework in Kwimba District Tanzania

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dc.creator BASIL, Mary B 2022-01-18T08:29:39Z 2022-01-18T08:29:39Z 2013-10 2022-10-21T10:11:09Z 2022-10-21T10:11:09Z
dc.description This study focused on effectiveness of teachers in supervisory roles on students` homework completion in ward secondary schools in Kwimba district. The study envolved 115 informants namely head of schools, teachers and students. Simple random sampling was used to get the number of students and purpossive sampling was used to get head of schools and teachers. Questionnares and interview method were used to get data from the informants. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to analyse the collected data. This study sought to examine the attitudes of teachers in supervisory roles on students` homework completion in ward secondary schools, challenges faced by students in homework completion, impacts of homework upon achieving academic excellence in ward secondary schools and to evaluate teachers’ suggestions for improving the setting and supervising of ward secondary school students’ homework completion. The study found that most of teachers have negative attitudes on supervising students` homework this is due to lack of motivation to teachers, low salaries and poor working condition. Also the researcher found several challenges which made students not to complete their homework. Those challenges include too much home activities, poor perception of parents towards homework, and language problem. Moreover the study found that homework has important output to students` academic exellences. This study recommended that government should ensure that it fulfills its duty such as provision of enough teaching and learning materials, building teachers houses as well as providing teaching allowances to teachers, also teachers should ensure they fulfill their duties moreover students should be ready to envolve themselves in doing homework purposively
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher SAUT
dc.subject School Supervision
dc.title The Effectiveness of Teachers Supervision of Secondary School Students' Homework in Kwimba District Tanzania
dc.type Thesis

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