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Mobilization of Physical Resources Strategies and Effective Curriculum Implementation in Public Secondary Schools in Kilolo District Council, Tanzania

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dc.creator MGAYA, Hyacinta R 2022-02-14T16:49:21Z 2022-02-14T16:49:21Z 2021 2022-10-21T10:11:14Z 2022-10-21T10:11:14Z
dc.description The aim of this study was to investigate the mobilization of physical resources strategies and effective curriculum implementation in public secondary schools in Kilolo District council-Tanzania. The study was guided by three objectives namely; to determine the influence of physical resources mobilization approaches on effective curriculum implementation in public secondary schools, to find out challenges facing public secondary schools as they employ physical resources mobilization strategies and to suggest the strategies used in mobilization of physical resources in public secondary schools. The study used mixed research approach and it targeted 5 public secondary schools in Kilolo District. The study was guided by system resource theory which was proposed by Yuchtman and Seashore (1967) in America. The theory focuses on an organization's ability to interact with the environment where resources are obtained to ensure stability and the continuation of an organization. Targeted population of the study was 689; Sample size was 87 respondents, including 81 teachers, 5 Heads of schools, and 1DEO. The study adopted mixed research approach and used convergent parallel design. Also the study applied simple random and purposive sampling techniques to get samples for the study. Questionnaires, interview guides and observation checklist were used for data collection. Validity of the research instruments was checked by experts from the faculty of education and the reliability of the instruments was calculated by using Cronbach Alpha where the alpha of 0.72 was obtained. Major study findings showed that there were inadequate physical resources in most public secondary schools. The findings further showed that inadequacy of physical resources interferes with effective curriculum implementation. The study recommended that there should be adequate physical resources in order to facilitate effective teaching and learning in secondary education.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher SAUT
dc.subject Curriculum / Strategies
dc.title Mobilization of Physical Resources Strategies and Effective Curriculum Implementation in Public Secondary Schools in Kilolo District Council, Tanzania

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